Make the complex simple with JExcel. Check out the seven effective features that only JExcel’s UI has to make your Jira experience friendlier and more intuitive.
Despite being one of the most popular, if not the most popular, bug tracking and agile project management software out there, Jira is plagued with criticisms about its user interface (UI). The software’s complexity of projects, boards and dashboards, issue types, custom fields, permission schemes, roles, workflows, and more, is definitely a lot of things to keep track of, especially for the inexperienced user. Combined with a hard to use interface, you can see why the complaints keep rolling in.
That said, one might argue that Jira is quintessentially just a framework. It’s an effective task and issue management platform that is very open to customization. Just browse on the Atlassian Marketplace and see the number of add-ons available for the purposes of improving the UI of whatever activity you need to perform in Jira.
When that “whatever activity” happens to involve working with spreadsheets, use JExcel. Provided by an Atlassian Marketplace Top Vendor, MORESIMP, JExcel enhances Jira and offers an Excel-like interface for users who may not be familiar with Jira or just prefer to use something more intuitive. If you’re looking to use Jira, need to involve spreadsheets, and want a more-friendly UI, read on to learn about the seven effective features that only JExcel’s UI has.
Just quickly though, why is UI important?
Not to be confused with UX, UI is the actual design of the space where humans and computers interact. The focus of UI is on aesthetics, so how things look and what the actual layout of a website, application, or program interface is.
When you’re using a new or complicated piece of software it’s all the more likely to select the wrong option or not find what you’re looking for. And when that happens, it’s incredibly frustrating. This is why companies hire people to specifically work on UI and ensure users are happy with what they’re working on.
Because UI facilitates the interactions between users and space, the way a platform looks, as well as its responsiveness, efficiency, and accessibility, are important factors when it comes to the considerations of UI. You want your audience to be able to clearly see what they’re doing and this is exactly what JExcel provides for Jira users as an Excel-like issue editor that provides you an Excel-like UI with extra features.

Features of the JExcel UI Experience
From extremely fast issue editing to enhanced import and export functions, JExcel makes it easy to complete actions otherwise made complicated by Jira’s UI. Depending on which version of JExcel you use, LITE or PRO, extra features make the program even more helpful.
Feature #1: Extremely fast issue editing
When you need to edit an issue on Jira, it proves difficult just simply locating where and what you can edit. From an edit issue dialogue to then a modify issue dialogue, jumping from one place to the next is a pain. In JExcel, you can just simply click on the desired cell and edit it inline as an in-place function.
Feature #2: Quick copy-paste action to and from MS Excel
Have lots of data you need to get from one place to another? Copy and paste values, or even whole issues internally and/or to and from MS Excel. Press CRTL+C over the values you need, and then press CRTL+V to insert where it should go. Just make sure you check the right format!
Feature #3: Speedy calculations
Making calculations on JExcel is as seamless as it is on MS Excel. Select your range of cells and see the already calculated average, count, and sum at the bottom of the page. Also, quickly see aggregated data like the minimum, maximum, average, or sum from a given row. An additional fast calculation feature available in JExcel PRO is calculated columns where you can create simple calculations with numeric columns or constant numbers
Feature #4: Easier filtering
Take advantage of JExcel’s easier, Excel-like filter methods for quicker results. Just hold ALT and then left-click in any given cell and select “Fast Filter” for, well, a no-fuss and fast filter of your data!
Feature #5: Better collaboration
If you’re looking for a way to work with your teammates in a more transparent way, look no further than with JExcel PRO. Invite colleagues and partners via email with a permalink to collaborate with you on workbooks and see who is working. Also, see the history of a cell and any previous changes made to track what’s happened when. In both JExcel PRO and LITE, utilize quick links to column comments and attachments and see them in special JExcel columns for better viewing.
Feature #6: Visualization
JExcel’s visualization makes it easier for you to see and organize data just by looking at it. Unlike Jira where there’s only one color to work with, in JExcel you can flag rows in four different colors to instantly see what type of data is in which row. Speaking of colors, group your workbook title by colors for easy recognition.
Also, see your numeric columns with databars, or hide and unhide columns individually so you can view your workbook without the data irrelevant to what you’re doing at that time. The hide/unhide column function lets every user have a unique view of their workbook without affecting other users of the given workbook as well.
More technical visual changes like renaming, resizing, or freezing columns is easy to do in JExcel so you can set up your table in a way that works best for you. Keep from impeding your table’s layout with extra JExcel specific columns that show you the number of comments and attachments there are.
Feature #7: Import and Export
Perhaps the most welcomed feature of JExcel for Jira is its convenient import and export functions. Something that doesn’t even exist in Jira, you’d be foolhardy trying to look for it on its interface. Export issues from JExcel to MS Excel or to HTML with comments, images, and attachments with a simple click in the export prompt. Use the dropdown menu and click “import” to create new lines from the content of your clipboard
Make Jira work for you with JExcel
Instead of being frustrated with Jira’s interface, realize its capabilities as a powerful software that you can customize to suit you. Think of Jira’s barebones as an advantage, a canvas for you to integrate whatever programs you want to use and create the experience you’re looking for in Jira.
Include JExcel to enhance your UI experience and have extra capabilities Jira doesn’t already provide. With two versions of JExcel available, LITE and PRO, compare their features to see which one fits your projects more. Regardless of which you choose, enjoy a better and more intuitive UI experience.