Bring Excel-like Editing into Jira

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Why Do Customers Need Excel UI in Jira?

Jira will seem a difficult software at first. Users need time to understand how it works and to be able to interpret the structure of the data. But everyone knows Excel! They should make advantage of their previous Excel experiences!

Basic Jira UI is not enough for teams in any case. For example: a label is associated with a piece of data but the user should see more data with more details. What’s more users need time to learn the software’s interface and as the team grows users will face many difficulties too. Some users need at least one or two years to be able to handle Jira with confidance!

With JExcel PRO your customers can radically reduce learning time! Daily work is going to be more and more effective.

Powerful Issue Editing with JExcel PRO!

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Work in Jira Just Like in Excel!

Our Excel-like Jira app JExcel PRO has become a must-have tool over the years for small to global companies as well to keep performance on a high level with less investment and stress!

Increase your customers’ performance quickly, reduce their future expenses with JExcel PRO!

JExcel PRO includes features like:

  • Spreadsheet view,
  • Real in-line editing,
  • Excel-like tabs,
  • Freeze, hide/unhide or move columns (drag&drop),
  • Create issue in new row,
  • Sort and filter data in columns,
  • Super fast usage
  • Copy-paste issues and values (in the app or from/to Excel)
  • Import and update
  • Export with attachments, all comments
  • Effective fast filtering (one-click on cell’s value)
  • Collaboration
  • and much more!

Get JExcel PRO on a Better Price Today!


We Are Proud of Our Customers!

JExcel PRO is used by 100k users every day, it helps work with Jira’s data easily while giving familiar UI and features to Excel in Jira! Our customer base includes well known companies such as Vodafone, Disnep, Fujitsu, EA and more! Join JExcel users to take your Jira’s performance to the next level!

We are constantly developing JExcel based on customers’ needs. We are forming a community to maintain effective project management together!

Increase performance with JExcel PRO!

Make advantage of Excel experiences!